Thursday, August 4, 2011

Germany & They Call Me Lucy

These last few weeks have been a whirlwind of getting bad news, mobilizing the pep squad and then visiting Germany. My dear friend/mentor from my childhood, whom I recently reunited with via Facebook, found out she has advanced, aggressive stomach cancer. The news hit me hard. I can't even imagine what Karen's going through, but she seemed to be taking it as well as could be expected. Mentally, she seemed healthy, and her attitude was positive and constructive. She gathered her forces, her "Team Karen" of online friends who'd become her support team through the magic of email and skype.

Oh my God. Skype. It's so awesome. Talking to her on Skype has made a world of difference for both of us. Plus, I've gotten some good family photos that way.

But nothing replaces seeing someone face-to-face. So with the amazing support of Scott, who offered to watch the kids, I was able to go to Germany for a few days. It was an incredible experience. Memorable in its absolute comfortability, the natural-ness of it all, to spend time with Karen, hang out, chat, do some creative projects together, watch movies. As if I was visiting a dear friend who happened to live next door. Like old times, 27 years later.

She loved the drawing I made for her, and both she and her husband, Peter, wore them all weekend.
But I left out a very important member of the team -- her husband, Peter. So we spent the weekend figuring out how to add him into the drawing, through the magic of the computer and a kick-ass printer (go Epson, who knew the possibilities!). I added Peter in the middle with Fuzzy the cat on his shoulders. And it made the drawing complete!

Here's another Team Karen project -- all of us team members (6 of us) wore shirt that Kati created. Then she made a collage with all of our pictures for Karen

Next project: "They Call Me Lucy" will be recording a very special song of encouragement and love for a very special person.


  1. Amazing, Jina. I'm sure you made Karen feel so loved. You are really inspiring.
