Saturday, December 11, 2010

Four Months of Rowan

Tomorrow, Rowan will be 4 months old. So in honor of this occasion, here's his life so far:

His delivery was complicated by an umbilical cord wrapped around his neck, which caused his heart rate to drop periodically during labor. But after hours of oxygen, shifting and monitoring, he popped out nicely at 1:30pm (ish) August 12th, 2010.

My beautiful baby boy, Rowan "Ro-ro" Charles Powell.

Kiki came in with Aunt Mary (babysitter extraordinaire on labor day!) and greeted her new brother with instant kisses, many many kisses. (The suffocating bearhugs, she'd save for later.)
He was a big baby (8.2 oz) but still sooo small.
Auntie MJ, his official photographer came by for a visit.
Along with Auntie Songhee, his champion against second-child neglect syndrome.
For a small baby, he has freakishly long toes. Not sure who he got them from. ???
A few days later, after we all went home, Kiki started initiating Rowan to her management style. The submit-to-my-will-and-we'll-get-along-just-fine style.
But as ever, she was generous with the kisses.
Grandma flew all the way from Montana to see Rowan and Kiki. She and Kiki's daddy took her to the new Pier 6 playground to give mom a chance to rest with Ro-ro. Kiki wore the new bathing suit Grandma brought and jumped right into the fray.

By the end of August, Kiki had to say bye-bye to her beloved babysitter, Chanika. She even learned how to say her name just for the occasion. (And she hasn't forgotten it since.)
Fun with helpless newborns...

One month old, and we were sometimes able to get a beauty shot. But mostly, he kind of looked...
sort of funny...or scared...
or confused...

Finally, around two months old, and he's starting to find his cuteness.

Come Halloween, while Kiki conquered Park Slope as a magical flying unicorn...

Ro-ro was content to sit snug in his blanketed stroller and watch the show.