The water was beautiful. Not an oil slick anywhere....yet.
Unfortunately, we couldn't say the same about Europeans and their Speedo's.
The pool was a nice alternative to the beach. Minimal sand, perfect for wading in with Kiki. And closer to those frozen drinks...
They even put in a few nice touches.
My biggest complaint was that nearly all the restaurants on-site were not air-conditioned. Nothing like having soup...or 90-degree heat. Mmmmm.
There were a few A/C'ed restaurants, but they were considered "upscale" and it felt weird to bring the cranky Kiki.
On the bright side, the open-air eateries were nice and casual, and random servers would often go out of their way to smile and say hi to Kiki, sometimes dancing for her, which she LOVED. (She'd wiggle along in her highchair.) The Dominicans really love kids.
Thanks for a great vacation, DR!
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