Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Here comes the (former) Chief!

Bill was doing photo-ops with Clinton Fdn employees' families, so I schlepped a sleep-deprived Kiki up to Harlem on the subway in rush hour. She wasn't being terribly cooperative, but at least she wasn't crying.

Hopefully, Keeks will get a thrill out of this picture when she's grown up and reads about Bill in history books. And about the blue dress and beret. Sort of like what Keeks is wearing...


  1. HOLY COW!! What an incredible photo!! Kiki will be so impressed you guys when she grows up. And you can tell her she was wearing Kate's dress, given to her by Director Wayne Wang! Oh, so much celebrity power in one shot... not to mention her fabulous parents.

  2. Wow guys!... I forgot how tall Pres. Clinton was!! Great photo!!!
