Oh, to be a kid. Your day's work is all about play.
On our way back from visiting Long Island, we stopped by the new Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 6. Three playgrounds -- one is an extravaganza of sprinklers, one's a mega-sandbox, and one (for older kids) is a climbing wonderland.
We mostly hung out in the sprinkler section, since it was such a hot morning.
Those blue floors are actually made of spongy pellets. Perfect for spazzy toddlers.
We spent last weekend at a co-worker's house near the Hamptons. He has a fantastic pool that this pregnant woman found to be very relaxing.
Kiki did a lot of running around, but took a moment to plant her dirt-covered shorts onto these pristine white lounge chairs.
On July 4th, we escaped the 100-degree heat by ducking into the NY Aquarium, along with 10,000 other New Yorkers who shared the same brilliant idea.
June was "let's find air-conditioned playgrounds for Kiki" month, so we joined the Brooklyn Children's Museum. The toddler section is great. Totally enclosed with activities geared for the 5 and under crowd.
What a lucky kid. Little does she know what's coming around the corner in a few weeks...